Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Homemade apple butter

Canadian apple butter

It is Canada week over at The World On Out Plates, and I decided to make Canadian apple butter.

Apple butter, for those of you who are not in the know, is a really thick apple sauce. It tastes like the best apple sauce you have ever tried. I promise, you'll love it.

Apple Butter
Makes about 1 large jar
Recipe by Michael Smith from Food Network Canada

10  apples, peeled, cored and quartered
1 cup brown sugar
½ cup apple juice
1/4 tsp each of ground nutmeg, cardamom,  cloves and allspice
1 tsp vanilla extract

1. Place all the ingredients in a large sauce pan, stir to combine. Over medium to high heat, cook the apples until they become very soft. Let the mixture cook until the liquid had reduced with about 80% and you have a thick, dark brown sauce.

2. Remove from heat, and using an immersion hand blender, purée the apple butter. Pour the apple butter into sterilized jars.


Susanne said...

Wow. Do you eat it on a sandwich or...?

Angelica said...

Yes, I think one would normally eat it on a sandwich or a piece of toast. That's what I've done anyway. I want to bake something using the apple butter too, but I'm not sure what just yet... maybe I'll use the apple butter as filling the next time I make a Swiss roll. We'll see!

AvaDJ said...

Congrats, I saw your Apple Butter photo is "Pic of the Week" on FoodNetwork. This sounds fantastic, and I totally adore Michael Smith and his recipes. Will definitley have to give this a try this fall.