Saturday, 27 March 2010

Under construction

As you can see my blog does no long look like it used to... this is due to a silly misstake by me. I am trying to solve it, but I am afraid I have lost the old design. I need to find another design that I'm happy with, but in the meantime you'll see some different designs.



Susanne said...

Ooh, the logo is up I see. It works well :). You need any help with CSS (is it CSS that blogspot uses btw?)? I can't say that I like it, but I know my way around it.

Angelica said...

Yeah, the logo's up. Thanks for putting it together for me. I think I need help making it wider, so that it fills the "box" better. I am so annoyed my other background got deleted, or lost in cyberspace, cuz now I have to make due w this slightly boring white look....

Susanne said...

Sure, I can widen it. Just the background or the text as well?

Why do you have to make due with a white background, just play around with some CSS.

Angelica said...

Just the background please...

And I don't know what CSS is...

Susanne said...

It'll tell you all about it!

Ald I'll get cracking on the logo as soon as I can find some time to...

Susanne said...

Hey, the new logo looks great now :D.

Angelica said...

Yeah, it does, doesn't it?
Thanks so much for fixn' it for me :)