Thursday, 7 May 2009

Potato salad

I love barbecues, but I always have a difficult time deciding on what to have with my grilled piece of meat, fish or veggies. My all time favourite is potato salad, and I have a few different recipes that I use from time to time. This potatoe salad is my new absolute favourite, and it
went down a treat when I served it the other week at the first BBQ of 2009.

Potato salad
Serves 4

700 g potatoes, boiled, cooled, and cubed
200 g feta cheese, cubed
1 small red/yellow onion, sliced
1 dl dill, chopped
100 g sugar snaps, chopped into 1 cm pieces
roasted sunflower seeds, to taste
salt, pepper

Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl and serve. It really is as simple as that!

Can be stored in the fridge for up to 2 days.

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